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Task Unlimited a company set up in heaven now on earth., Unprecedented contact @Number10gov to lift all up & out of it, they stole it! They have not budged an inch in 2000 years, they just want to keep it all going, everything they have got they gave it to themselves & like how they have got it, they think they have got it all sorted, a selfish breed do everything just for themselves a very opinionated people.I will take this to the people, by whatever means my son 3in1of2 faithful servants Frederick & Peter of Lancaster UK chooses.I converse only & no other living or dead for what is to be completed & done regarding my sphere @Number10gov in charge of the people on my land.My Great & Mighty Holy Sphere in the place of my sons birth Jerusalem, aliened with my stars to reveal the location of my ark of the lost covenant, I have kept hidden for the resurrection of all dead up & out of it alive to where all has been made ready all Eternal Life Gold Good.This is a task to completion.This is not up for debate @Number10gov & I shall not be quoted operating on 1% in the bowels of man the beast created sin all that is evil death.Man is lazy @Number10gov has manipulated misconstrued & rigged everything to suit himself for death, has lost his seat to woman causing a fertility crisis, left to go on you're extinct anyway.My son is a safe distance from you man the beast for all that is evil death @Number10gov this second time around, we are not into niceties.The meaning of your existence @Number10gov is to collect my architect & John Major in the Cobra room for task to completion no more sin, charge, cost, old, sick, pain, suffering, evil death.All in the business of heaven creating gods eternal life gold good, all crowned into kingdoms upon kingdoms forever never ending is at stake here.Man is guilty, woman is innocent our business is with man only @Number10gov my will be done on my sphere at the bottom of my heaven as is done at the top, where we do not have such an inferior system as money, we all sit on rocks of pure gold.I am not a man, drop the he. I do not have any favourites, feelings or emotions this is you the created are not an authority on I Creator.I do not work, we do not work up here & I am not doing all the work, whatever you say & do faithful servants Frederick & Peter gets full backing up here.Frederick the best architect that the world all in darkness has. The Kings Architect @Number10gov with John Major now, what are you all waiting for all that is evil death to blow your heads off, scant regard for life.Well I am wrapping it all up, the sky the lot, my universe all into the size of a pea, so dense nothing can lift it. Happening now a slow process with an immediate result, is that where you all want to be, in that pea, stuck in your coffins forever dead gone & forgotten, we will see.Peter the best writer that the world has. The Kings Writer, writes what the King says "Like all them on the Titanic not worth saving anyway".http://T, , London, 07043514458.peterkelly9@btinternet.com 

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